Workshop C6 Porto/António Preto

De Rich Annotator System

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Colloque-Workshop LEA
Plaisirs de lire: é/Etats de l'art

17-19 septembre 2020
Université de Porto

Présentation du film La Lettre (1999) [à partir de La Princesse de Clèves de Mme de Lafayette], de Manoel de Oliveira

31 min 04s19 septembre 2020

António Preto lives and works in Porto. Master in Theories of Art, by the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon, Doctorate in History and Semiology of Text and Image, at the École Doctorale de Langue, Littérature, Image, civilizations and sciences humaines, at the Université Paris-Diderot - Paris 7 (thesis on the relation between literature and cinema in the work of Manoel de Oliveira). He is an integrated researcher at the Arnaldo Araújo Study Center of the Porto University School of Arts.
He has been working as commissary and programmer, conducted seminars, participated in international colloquia, published essays in university editions as well as in other magazines and specialized channels. A. Preto is currently director of Casa Manuel de Oliveira of the Serralves Foundation.