
De Rich Annotator System

Presentations are slideshows or lecture videos.

Lecture videos

Lecture video pages are created just as video pages, see Audio & video. Note that lecture videos are categorized as presentations.


Slideshows are created as image galleries with the slideshow mode parameter:

<gallery mode="slideshow">

Note that you cannot specify the height or the width of slideshows.

If you want to create a slideshow of a PowerPoint presentation, you have to save it out as simple jpg slides.

Text version of the slideshow

The main problem with slideshows is that their content is not indexable as they are entirely composed of images. Therefore, you may want to have a text version of your slideshow to make it indexable. For the text version of the slideshow, it is recommended to use a subpage of the slideshow page. Slashes (/) within a page name break the page into parent and subpages, recursively, e.g.:

  • Slideshow – the slideshow page of the presentation;
  • Slideshow/Text version – the text version of the presentation.

You can link directly to any page’s subpage using the normal double square brackets notation, by providing the full name – including the slash(es) and the individual subpage name(s).

To have a link on your slideshow page to the text version, it is recommended to use this code:

<div style="text-align:right;">
[[Slideshow/Version texte|Version texte {{#fas:keyboard}} {{#fas:arrow-alt-circle-right}}]]

Which gives at the right side of the page a link like this: Version texte

In the text version, you can create <div> blocks for slides, with the class presentation:
<div class=presentation>Content</div>

To have a link on the text version page to the slideshow, it is recommended to use this code:

[[Slideshow|{{#fas:arrow-alt-circle-left}} Version diaporama {{#fas:images}}]]

Which gives at the left side of the page a link like this: Version diaporama

Category tag

  • [[Category:Présentations]] for presentation pages in French.
  • [[Category:Prezentációk]] for presentation pages in Hungarian.

Do not categorize the text version page of the slideshow as a presentation page. If you categorize the text version page, the categorization will be doubled for the same presentation, and the system will recognize the slideshow page and the text version page as two different presentations.

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